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Tribunus Plebis


Original post author: Ryan Look at this old ass painting. I bet you thought Jess posted this. Nope! I recently learned that the ancient Romans had a government entity called The Tribune of the Plebs. It was actually called Tribunus Plebis. It consisted of about 10 regular people. The tribune was granted power to Veto government acts, and served as a way of ensuring that the government works for the good of the people. It was established after some Roman shit went down in 494 BC. By year 81 BC, a Roman dictator eliminated the power of the tribune. However, it had a good run - 413 years. In comparison, the US government has only been kicking it for 241 years. By the way, the painting I posted is of a man playing Roman Bowling. As you can see, they played outdoors and there was a small staircase in the bowling lane. They hadn't invented balls yet, so they just went through the motions and imagined what it would be like to knock over the pins. The pins, by the way, were clay pots. They had to rent smelly unfashionable bowling sandals.



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