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Night walking videos on YouTube

Original post author: Ryan

Jess and I felt that our living room TV was a little small.  A few days ago, I heard about a good TV sale, and we decided to upgrade.  Our new TV is big, perhaps a little too big. It has 4K resolution, which is way cooler than I expected.  Content in 4K looks really sharp.

And that leads me to my current fascination: 4k resolution and 60 frames per second city night walking videos.  They look like a window into another part of the world. Plus, the videos are often several hours long - so they make good background ambience while working, cleaning, cooking, etc.

I am linking a few of my favorites below, but I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of this video genre.  Highly recommend watching with your own music playing in the background.  Enjoy!

This is a walk through Times Square in NYC.  It’s interesting to revisit New York through this video.  I particularly like how bright and colorful this video is, despite being recorded at night.  I wish this video wandered to other parts of midtown.

This is video is a walk through a part of Tokyo. Within the first 10 minutes, the video cuts through narrow alleyways full of shops and eateries. It also features a few heavily-developed streets.

This video shows London at night, and features some very neat light (and water) installations.  I haven’t seen all of this video yet.

This video is a walk through some less dense areas in Tokyo, including a few parks and shopping malls.  It ends in a rather neat way (as far as night walking video endings go).

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