Original post author: Ryan I like to be creative and make things. One thing I don't ever make - and don't ever expect to make - is music. I am happy to just listen. Since I am completely unaware of the majority of things that go into making and performing music. I am forced to just enjoy the apparent mystery of it all. That might make listening more enjoyable in some ways. I recently found some interesting music performances online. The first was by a band called "The Academic." Last week, they live streamed a performance on Facebook. While live streaming, they connected to their own feed and allowed it to loop back on itself. Like when you point a camcorder at a TV and it creates an infinite loop. They took advantage of the loop and used it to layer an entire song together piece by piece. One thing that was especially interesting is that the singer adds words to the chorus of the song as it progresses. That's a neat concept - unfortunately the lyrics of the song make very little sense, and the song itself isn't really great. If you want to check it out, you can click here. I also found a song by a Hawaiian reggae singer named Mike Love (no relation to Mike Love of the Beach Boys). Now - fair warning - this is some Northampton-grade hippie stuff, plus he's singing about going against the "corporate lifestyle". During the song, he uses an electronic loop to record bits and pieces of a chorus. Then, as it loops, he adds more pieces as it goes. It's really incredible. The song is actually pretty good. You can fast-forward to around 4:00 minutes where he starts doing the insane loop, or watch it from the beginning if you want to get the true experience, maaan. "https://www.youtube.com/embed/fU7hZ3smj0g?rel=0"