Original post author: Ryan Last night I unknowingly quoted Meatloaf and asked Jess "What's that from?" - and to her credit, she answered right away - "Meatloaf!". Nice one, Jess! So I was inspired to boot this album up on Spotify. Let's take a second to talk about Bat Out Of Hell. I don't even know how to interpret this thing. It was released 10 years before I was born, and I feel like the whole world was able to process it collectively at that time - and now here I am on my own in 2017 trying to digest exactly what's going on and I'm lost. It's the #5 highest selling album of all time. So I can't just dismiss this thing as a prequel to first "The Darkness" album. It sounds like it should be a musical - and to my amazement, last year it was actually turned into a musical. Everything is over the top. The guitars, the vocals, the lyrics, the drums, the piano, there is even some saxophone and that's over the top too. Listening to this is like eating a chocolate cupcake with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting along with a glass of chocolate milk. The songs are long - often 8+ minutes. I feel like I need to take an intermission between tracks to load up on carbs. I think Spotify is going to charge me an extra Meatloaf fee this month because it costs them extra to pump these dense songs through the internet tubes. And the album cover is...is the only possible way to illustrate what this music sounds like. So bravo to whoever drew that. I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this album. I am not going to "rate" it because I think everyone knows more about this thing than I do.